Christel Riemann-Hanewinckel Parliamentary State Secretary, Federal Ministry for Family Affairs Senior Citizens, Women and Youth opens the Women´ s Congress of Metropolis

Assemblée à Berlin (Allemagne), le jeudi 12 mai, 2005

Présentation Power-Point
Liste des conférenciers
Mme Gawa Samuels
vice maire du Cap Town, Afrique du Sud
Diana Meirelles da Motta
Secretary of Urban Development and Housing of the Federal District - Brazil
Dr. Irma Rosas
University of Mexico


Logo: Metropolis 2005

Plenum of Women´s Congress

Catharina Tarras-Wahlberg Deputy Mayor of Stockholm, welcome remarks

Welcome speech by the Permanent Secretary Maria Krautzberger Senate Department for Urban Development Berlin

Francine Senécal, Montreal, Co-president of the Metropolis Women´ s Network

Kalliopi A. Bourdara Athens, Co-president of the Metropolis Women´ s Network (right) and
Ximena Rincón, President of the Regional Council of Santiago de Chile

Anna Tibajuka, Executive Director UN-HABITAT surrounded by delegates from Mali